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The Importance of Choosing the Right Feature Flag ID for Better Security and User Experience

· 4 min read
Alessandro Yuichi Okimoto

Feature flags play a fundamental role in software development, permitting feature rollout and testing flexibility. Nevertheless, the selection of the appropriate feature flag ID to be applied is vital and often neglected. This tiny detail can result in a wide variety of user experience results and can even seriously change security.

Why the Feature Flag ID Is Important

Sensitive Information Exposure Risk

Developers often tend to mention the feature flags by the main point while adding detailed information. When a feature is still in the developmental stage, and the specified ID discloses sensitive data like the internal project names, the client information, new features in development, or the security protocols, it might be accessed by end-users through APIs or developer tools.

The accidental exposure of such information is a major risk, especially when one deals with data security and confidentiality in a sector.

Avoiding Misuse and Misunderstandings

Flag IDs can confuse the correct meaning of terms among the project team and users. A flag ID is one of the technical terms and abbreviations understood only by the project team, which might confuse other users who view it.

Usually, the misuse is due to the lack of precision in the feature flags selection process.

Best Practices for Choosing Feature Flag IDs

In order to avoid the above risks, here are a few of the best practices for the selection of feature flag IDs:

  1. Use Generic Identifiers: Running, for example, with a Generic Identifier as a feature ID instead of its real name (in this way, nobody can steal any information from there) is better than using a feature name. For instance:

    • Instead of: newCheckoutFlow
    • Use: feature-12345
  2. Avoid Sensitive Information: While devising the ID for a flag, check any sensitive or confidential company data in the name. Therefore, to allege the gravity of the moniker-creating exercise, it is prudent to get familiar with the company's policy prior to unveiling it to the public. For example:

    • Instead of: projectX_2024_InvoiceFeature
    • Use: feature-invoice-processing
  3. Implement Consistent Naming Conventions: Make sure of defining a format for your IDs. Consistent naming helps developers to reduce risk of errors related to misidentification or misuse.

  4. Regularly Review and Audit Feature Flags: Always check if the feature flags are still in the "Active" stage and the IDs are still meaningful. For example:

    • The feature-legacy-ui had an upgrade, and it was renamed instead to a name like feature-new-v2-ui, because of its current state.
  5. Utilize Descriptive but Non-Sensitive IDs: To this, it is important to be able to keep sensitive data secure while at the same time being descriptive with the name of the flag. For example:

  • Instead of: Mentioning userAuthFeature_123(which may suggest internal systems)
  • Use: Mentioning a feature-authentication-flow

The rule of not getting away from function and abstraction has been kept.

Additional Security Considerations

It is important to note that the process of picking the feature flag IDs is not the only and last. The security points to focus on are the others as well:

  • Access Control: A role-based access control (RBAC) system that can be accessed only by the user who has permission or not the one who doesn't have it is the most secure way to save your configurations private.

  • Secure API Responses: Data that is propagated in API responses related to a feature flag ID needs to be kept confidential from unauthorized access. One way to do this is to restrict the data shared with the client.

  • Monitor Flag Usage: You can use logging and tracking tools to see how features are being used and how they are being accessed. Unauthorized access attempts could be detected at an earlier stage.


One of the keys that you should choose is "generic identifiers", which is one of the most used and preferred in our experience. In other words, you can enhance the user experience and reduce your application security risks by making sure that the feature IDs you use are not sensitive and always following the same standard.

The choice of feature flag IDs, in particular, should not be overlooked since it is a part of the base denotational style for secure and strong software.